Saturday, May 14, 2022

Milwaukee Spring Count Day at Wilson Park


Wilson's Warbler

Swainson's Thrush

Swainson's Thrush (I think!) bathing

One of two Spotted Sandpipers seen from the lagoon

Scarlet Tanager, one of two males

Scarlet Tanager

Female Scarlet Tanager

Female Tanager

Female American Redstart

Male Northern Parula

Mourning Warbler

Mallards basking along the viaduct

Mallard hen with a huge brood of a dozen! 

Great-crested Flycatcher up high

Curious Common Yellowthroat male

Another view of the Yellowthroat

Cedar Waxwing

This male Blackpoll Warbler was on the lookout for a female

Blackpoll again

Interesting plumage on this Blackpoll--young male perhaps!

Blackpoll again

Last but not least, a Bay-breasted Warbler